Choosing Lag Fit Algorithms in Growth Modeling

Maks Necki


This vignette introduces two functions, choose_lag_fit_algorithm_baranyi and choose_lag_fit_algorithm_logistic, that help you select the best fitting algorithm for estimating lag parameters in growth modeling using Baranyi and Logistic models. We will explore the usage and examples of these functions.

The choose_lag_fit_algorithm_baranyi Function


The choose_lag_fit_algorithm_baranyi function is designed to fit the best Baranyi model parameters to a given growth curve. It runs nonlinear least squares (nls) and nonlinear least squares with bounds (nlsLM) algorithms with different parameter setups to choose the best model. The selected model minimizes the residual sum of squares, provided that all coefficients are nonnegative.


The function takes the following parameters:


# Load required libraries

# Generate example growth curve data
time <- 1:10
LOG10N <- c(2.0, 2.8, 3.6, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 12.0, 15.8, 20.0, 25.5)
gr_curve <- data.frame(t = time, LOG10N = LOG10N)

# Fit the Baranyi model using the best algorithm
best_fit <- choose_lag_fit_algorithm_baranyi(gr_curve, LOG10N0 = 2.0, init_lag = 0.5, init_mumax = 0.3, init_LOG10Nmax = 30, max_iter = 100, lower_bound = 0)

# Print the results

The choose_lag_fit_algorithm_logistic Function


The choose_lag_fit_algorithm_logistic function is similar to the previous function but tailored for fitting the Logistic model to a growth curve. It selects the best model by comparing nls and nlsLM algorithms with different parameter setups.


The function takes the following parameters:


# Load required libraries

# Generate example growth curve data
time <- 1:10
biomass <- c(0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 1.5, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 12.0, 18.0, 25.0)
gr_curve <- data.frame(time = time, biomass = biomass)

# Fit the Logistic model using the best algorithm
best_fit <- choose_lag_fit_algorithm_logistic(gr_curve, n0 = 0.1, init_gr_rate = 0.5, init_K = 30, init_lag = 0.5, max_iter = 100, lower_bound = c(0, 0, 0))

# Print the results


These functions provide a convenient way to select the best fitting algorithm for estimating lag parameters in growth modeling. They help you choose the most suitable model for your data, whether it follows a Baranyi or Logistic growth pattern. Use these functions to enhance your growth curve analysis with the most accurate and reliable parameter estimation.