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A set of minimal extensions to R’s built-in bitwise operations, mainly for use with bitmasks.
This provides C functions to AND, OR or XOR a vector of integers together, to compress down to a single int. It also provides infix operators for bitwise operations, using the base functions.

If using bitops, the infix operators are redundant.


You can install the development version of vectorbitops like so:



This is a basic example of use for some simple bitmasking.


vals <- c(
    "foo" = 1 %<<% 0,
    "bar" = 1 %<<% 1,
    "baz" = 1 %<<% 2

mask_a <- vals["foo"]
mask_b <- vals["baz"]
mask_c <- bit_vector_OR(vals[c("bar", "baz")])
flags <- bit_vector_OR(vals[c("foo", "bar")])

# In practise, one would just use `bitwAnd` for the below, but for demostration purposes:
bit_vector_AND(c(flags, mask_a)) # 1
bit_vector_AND(c(flags, mask_b)) # 0
bit_vector_AND(c(flags, mask_c)) # 2